Monday, March 06, 2006

Trashcan Slalom To Education

It's such a windy day today.

I have to go to UBC today to submit the rest of my housing application, and also find a nice quite place to study for the CGA exam this Thursday. It turned out that I didn't get exemptions on some of my MBA courses, so I'll have to stay in UBC until December.

Because the garbage truck makes its rounds after everyone has gone to work, there were a lot of trash cans left outside, only to be blown onto the road and become a hazard. Hmm...that does sound kinda funny...the road being "littered" with trashcans. Fortunately, there wasn't much traffic on the road at the time I left, so I could easily use the oncoming lane to bob and weave my way out of the neighborhood.

Once I made it to the highway and hit 100km/h, I could REALLY feel the wind trying to throw my chunky, aerodynamically challenged SUV off. Oh great, as if the mileage on my SUV wasn't crappy enough, and as if gas wasn't horrendously expensive enough.

Once I made it on campus, with no surprise, all the lots were full. I was finally able to find a space, but only because no one else wanted to wedge their vehicle next to a poorly parked Civic with Sanrio stuffed animals wedged against the back window. Damn inconsiderate Asians. It's not that their parking (and driving) skills are so crappy, but it's that they don't make any effort to straighten out their vehicles, so that the people next to them don't have to do the the Car Door Mambo to try to get out without denting their expensive daddy-bought BMW's, rice burners, or in my case, brand-new Civics.

So once I managed to mambo my way out of my vehicle, the first thing I had to do is get a reference letter from my ex-Japanese professor, to vouch for my character as part of my on-campus residence application (I'm so glad he doesn't know about this blog!). He is pretty much my favorite teacher. He's the nicest guy and he never gets angry, too strict, or too pushy on his students. He actually cares about his students, both in and out of class. I usually don't have kind words for teachers, nor would I promise to invite them in the highly unlikely event that I have a wedding, so he really is that good.

So once my residence application is out of the way, it's off to study. Like I said before, I don't like this CGA course because I'm totally on my own, other than online forums with tutors. So, I downloaded from the CGA website a set of review questions, with answers so you could check them. However, one of the questions is missing a solution, and I really want to check my answers to be sure that I did that type of question right. So I turn to the forum tutor for help, for once. She suggested that I check the online lecture notes and old exams for that particular question, and I tell her that the solutions on those are incomplete, which they are. She then gives up. God forbid that the tutor works through a question to help out a student!!!

Oh well, at least I didn't have to dodge trashcans again on my way home tonight.
Trashcans littering the road.

Your alcoholic dad could naturally wobble his car through this.


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