Saturday, February 04, 2006

New Synonym For "Retard": "European Newspaper Editor"

What the hell were they thinking?

It wouldn't be so bad if they published cartoons of the generic Muslim with a bomb for a turban, but one of their most revered figures, second only to God?? At the very least, this is an act of ignorance, specifically of Islam's strict forbiddance of any depictions of their holy figures. Sure, you could cry First Amendment, freedom of the press, blah, blah. But freedom of the press does NOT constitute freedom from the responsibility to publish with respect towards other people and their religion. (Incidentally, how about freedom of religion?) And now, the whole world's going to hell even faster with the entire Muslim population pissed off.

So what does the editor of Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that started this all, has to say for himself? "[The purpose was] to examine whether people would succumb to self-censorship, as we have seen in other cases when it comes to Muslim issues." (Source) Oh great. So you're telling us you were testing the waters in a bloody shark tank!? Don't get the rest of the world involved, dumbass! We've got our own problems to deal with!

Ironically, Soren Aabye Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher, pretty much sums it up when he says: "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."

To make things worse, the rest of the EU is now following suit in publishing those cartoons. But the one country that I'm going to single out among them is France. No, not because I share the Americans' view that they're a bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Remember when most of the North African community in France rioted last year, because of the accidental deaths of two teenagers from the Arab/Turk/Black community while being chased by police? You'd figure the French government would know first-hand what it's like to have a pissed-off Islamic population. Non, monsieur. I guess they'll need a recapitulation to learn their lesson. Instead of "Death to Denmark!", Muslims all over the world will be chanting "Death to (insert European Union country here)!"

The next time I see someone trying to push open a door marked "Pull", I'll say to them, "What are you, a European newspaper editor!?"


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