Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Scourge Of The Berliner

It's just my luck.

Every German person I've met so far is cool. Every gay person I've met so far is cool. What are the chances of me encountering someone who contradicts both? What are the chances of having such a person as a roommate?

Better than I would think.

I've been getting neurotically senile old people shacking in the same suite as me, but as far as unpleasantness is concerned, he may be middle-aged, but this guy takes the top podium. From my German roommate's conversation with him, he is also German, and from Berlin. Therefore, to avoid further confusion with my German roommate, I shall henceforth refer to him as The Berliner.

He never explicitly said he was gay, but he'd do things that tips the gaydars off the scale. One day, the Berliner walked in with a bigger man, both naked from the waist up. Without a word of greeting, they headed straight into his room and locked the door. At that point, I begged my imagination not to go any further.

But don't get me wrong, his homosexuality is not the problem.

He's actually been here for a week and moved out today, and he's been quite civil, saying hi whenever he'd pass us by. His problems didn't become apparent until the day before yesterday. I was heading back home from class, and when I passed by the building administrator, she called out to me. She told me that The Berliner has been complaining about the noise I was making the night before, and told me to keep it down. I figured that it must've been when I was playing Star Wars: Battlefront II with my friends in my room.

Now I don't have a problem with keeping things quiet for others. But what really pisses me off is that The Berliner didn't come to me first and asked me to quiet down. He went straight to the administrator. Furthermore, it didn't make sense for him to do so; if he approached me right away and told me I was too loud, I would've been more than happy to turn down the volume for him - problem solved right away. Instead, The Berliner had to put up with my noise into the wee hours until he had the chance to tell the administrator.

He has finally moved out this morning, but not before leaving an unpleasant note on the door of another temporary roommate, adjacent to his room, a Korean girl:

Goodby my little, noisy slamming-Queen! I hope someday,
someone will teach you how to use the door handle properly.
Go to Hell!!!

To which my reply would be:
1) Who are you to call other people a "Queen", poofter?
2) Go to Hell? No thanks. You've done more than enough flaming for all of Hades.

In a blatant display of his gayness, he wrote the note with girly-curly writing and drew exclamation marks with cute little triangles and circles. I suppose the reason why he didn't dot his i's with a heart is because this is a hate letter.

This guy is so socially inept that he is uncapable of consulting directly with other people to work out any problems he may experience from them. I've had it with this place being turned into a hotel for assholes during the summer. Good riddance that he moved out.

Actually, I hope he moves back to Germany and leaves Canada a little bit more of a pleasant country.


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