Friday, July 28, 2006

Liquid Potatoes

I finally brought out the rice cooker today.

I have been cutting out rice from my diet as part of my ongoing war against flab, towards a sliver of hope that I can get well-cut washboard abs before the summer ends. Now I really miss the delicious fragrance of jasmine rice. To hell with Atkins! If his diet was so special, how come it didn't save him from dying? Telling Asians not to eat rice because it's full of carbs...while you're at it, why not tell Americans not to eat hamburgers because it's full of fat!?

So anyway, since the toaster's always out, we never really had any other reason to open the designated small appliance cabinet where my rice cooker is stashed; the only other thing in there were the hot water kettles, and now is not the season for hot water. The moment I opened up the cabinet, I was overwhelmed by this revolting, moldy yet slightly fecal reek that waged an all-out full-perimeter siege upon my nostrils. Evidently, someone was stowing more than just small appliances in here - a bag of potatoes!

That explains why no matter how many times I've cleared the garbage can under the sink, and Lysolled the cabinet where it was stored, that moldy smell still lurked in the kitchen! (If you live single or in any college establishment, Lysol is a MUST!) I gingerly pulled out the offending sack of offending tubers...and this foul, repugnant brown liquid dribbled all over the kitchen floor. As damage control, I quickly put the sack into the sink while I find a plastic bag to contain the biohazard.

I managed to throw out the evil sack of potatoes, soak up the brown liquid with paper towels, mop up the floor with my Swiffer, and sanitize the cabinet with ample Lysol. Later tonight, I'm going to have a little talk with my roommate when he comes back. Damn, that brown liquid shit was so nasty, it might as well have been diarrhea. I hope you're not eating while reading this.

Actually, I kinda hope you are - whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.


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