Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Late Mitch Hedberg

Okay, I've bitched enough about my hopeless job search. Here is something lighter.

I sometimes get behind in the news. In this case, I just found out that one of my favorite comedians, Mitch Hedberg, died of some some sort of congenital heart failure...this March. I always thought he would die of OD since he had a drug problem, even though sounding like he's burnt out on weed is part of his act. In fact, that's why I find the shit he says so funny. Take, for example:

I fuckin hate arrows man, its like "fuck you I'm not going that way .... line... with two thirds.. of a triangle at the end. Could you imagine being killed by a bow an arrow? That would suck, an arrow killed you, they would never solve the crime, "hey look at that dead guy.... let's go that way"
Okay, so maybe you'll find some of his other jokes funnier. He also uses a lot of one-liners à la also-late Rodney Dangerfield. I found a lot of his jokes compiled on Wikipedia, and I nearly popped a lung laughing at some of them. I felt a lot better because, for that moment, I was able to let go of the despair and low sense of self-worth from being jobless. See for yourself. The world needs more people like him.

A belated rest in peace, Mitch.

Oops, almost forgot my custom of ending an obituary post with possible last words or epitaph:

I think dying will be exactly like being born...except it's backwards and they put you in a box instead...'cause man, you'll be too big to be stuffed back into the vagina. Oh fuck...that was gross.

(I'm sorry, I really tried.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, funny shit.

Thu Oct 13, 05:09:00 PM 2005  

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